Steering committee
This commitee consists of a president, her or his two representatives, a secretary and a treasurer. They manage the business of this association and represent it outwardly. The treasurer is responsible for financial issues and creates a treasurer’s report every year. The secretary keeps the minutes and is responsible for membership administration. In addition to permanent email contact and regular phone conferences, the commitee also meets several times a year in person to advance the association’s work.
Board of trustees
The board of trustees is called by the steering committee. At the moment it is consisting of 17 persons, who deployed the idea of the association notably. It has to represent the association outwardly. All departed presidents are part of the board of trustees. Therefore the most experienced members of the association are assembled in this board.
Advisory board
A big part of the association’s work is done by the advisory board. It is avaiable to every member of the association. At the moment it is generated by about 100 active members. They are splitted into subgroups and communicate via email. Once in a year the advisory board meeting finds place in a german town, which changes from year to year. Around 30 members participate and discuss old and new projects.
This meeting is an initial point, where new members can get to know all projects of this association.