According to the slogan „Begeisterung wecken – Begabung fördern!“ ("Arouse enthusiasm - Encourage talent"), the FChO tries to enlarge the attractivity of scientific contests in Germany. Thus, an Experimentalseminar was created for the best participants of experimental contests for intermediate classes, although most of the projects of the FChO are offered as part of the Chemistry Olympiad. The best participants of the 1st round are invited to Landesseminaren. 3rd round participants are offered the chance to do a 2-week practical training Schnupperpraktikum in german research institutes or chemical companies mediated by the FChO, or even in foreign universities for the 5th to 7th places of the 4th round (Auslandspraktikum). Additionally, all 4th round participants are invited to the Viertrundenseminar and to the annual Workshop, where FChO members are supporting each other by a scientific and cultural program.
More information and reports on our projects can also be found in our member's magazine "Faszination Chemie".