Emerged from the selection rounds for the annual "International Chemistry Olympiad", the "Friends of the Chemistry Olympiad" seek to excite students of all ages for chemistry and to encourage them to think and to search for answers independently. 

In addition to the spirit of competition and the self-measuring with other enthusiastic pupils, the competitions also promote getting to know each other and provide an excellent opportunity to meet old and new friends. The strong and ongoing interest in the competitions also disproves the common cliché of lack of interest in science among teenagers.

Younger students of lower and middle German high school years are especially targeted by the FChO-own competition "Chemie - die stimmt!" ("Chemistry - that' right on!"), the "Experimentalseminar" ("Experimental Seminar", taking place annually since 2008) and with support of the Experimentalwettbewerbe ("Experimental competitions", created by dedicated teachers). The FChO also accompanies and supports furthermore the German selection-rounds for the International Chemistry Olympiad, organized by the German title "Leibnitz-Institute for pedagogy of natural sciences and mathematics" - and this returns the enthusiasm, knowledge and joy that its own members often received and experienced themselves.